Pimpinan Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA Program Pascasarjana Universitas Syiah Kuala

Koordinator Program Studi Pendidikan IPA

A. Halim, borned at January 1964 in Lamme Garot-Aceh Besar. The educational experience starts from the first level in the Department of Physics Education FKIP Unsyiah, the master's degree in the Physics Department, Technologi Institute of Bandung and Ph.D level in the Department of Education Science (Concentration of Education Physics) in Malaysia. Based on my research experience in the field of physics education, I am interested and have a lot of research in the field of understanding the concept of physics. The S3 thesis deals with the development of instruments and the identification of misunderstandings in the course of quantum physics. Based on that experience and also some research after that until now, it is clear what will be done in the future. Therefore, in the future, research and publication focused on understanding the concepts of physics. Future research and dedication are focused on the development of instruments, the development of learning models, the identification and improvement of physics concept concepts misunderstood by high school students or mamahsiswa. All this work will be taught to high school teachers and university lecturers to apply to physics learning through community service activities.


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